We want to be part of your growth process

All content is customized to your growth plan using our state of the art recommendation system.

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Quickly build an effective pricing table for your potential customers with this Bootstrap example. It's built with default Bootstrap components and utilities with little customization.


$0 / mo

  • 1 users included
  • 5 courses per month
  • Email support
  • Help center access


$15 / mo

  • 5 users group included
  • 15 courses per month
  • Priority email support
  • Help center access


$29 / mo

  • 20 users included
  • 30 courses per month
  • Phone and email support
  • Help center access

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We are agile! You have questions, comments, or just want to chat? We do too! We here at kukura are always learning and improving with your feedback!
